Status management and modification of scenarios / stage model settings.
Editability of scenarios, stage, and model run configurations as a function of stage:
- on creation, a scenario is "on hold" and editable.
- stages in "on hold" and "error" stage are editable
- scenarios, stages, and model runs in status "pending", "running", or "completed" are not editable.
Related functionality:
edit control: editing a scenario, stage, or model run configuration, if it is on error, a) changes its status from "error" to "on hold", and b) deletes potentially existing previous results.
(re)submit button: changes the stage of a scenario, or one of its stages and all subsequent ones, or one or several seismicity forecast models, and all depending subsequent stages from "on hold" or "error" to "pending; deletes potentially pre-existing results.
abort button: available while status is running. Executing changes status to "error" (implies: no further results are polled or stored)
"hold" button: changes status from "pending" to "on hold"
clone a scenario: copy a scenario along with all of its settings (but no results) to a new scenario, put the new scenario "on hold". (user workflow: clone, modify, (re)submit) -> a cloning command is currently not available to the user, nor required at short term, however the creation of a series of scenarios bases on the workflow "clone existing scenario, modify start date, (re)submit".
(note: the request of tasks to be on hold to allow editing them goes beyond what we have discussed today, however, it protects the user from being surprised by scheduled execution kicking in while (s)he is still editing)