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  • thaag's avatar
    - refined · de31576c
    thaag authored
    - added readInMatlab.m to test waveforms in matlab
    - simulator_mode should always be False now, if no hardware is detected, it is simulated
    - param s of acquisition is now writetn to logfile
    - hardware mockup does now correctly translate 16 bit numbers (+1 squashed commits)
    Squashed commits:
    [bc57eeb] - .h5 file is now created in a temporary folder and moved when complete
    - hardware simulation added, data can be created
    - fixed dll fault, the spectrum driver is called in init_card and init_star_hub
    - the conversion from "c memory" to numpy is now done in the driver
    - simple data plotter added (+1 squashed commits)
    Squashed commits:
    [b0e95c6] - try to replace hardware driver
    - new route: replace interface to hardware