ramsis.sfm.worker not parsing JSON file datetimes properly
Making the call:
curl -d "@/path/fake_json_post.json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/v1/EM1/runs
Most of the JSON was accepted at the validation stage, apart from the datetimes:
marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError: {'model_parameters': {'modelparam1': ['Unknown field.']}, 'scenario': {'well': {'sections': {0: {'endtime': ['Not a valid datetime.'], 'starttime': ['Not a valid datetime.'], 'hydraulics': {0: {'datetime': {'value': ['Not a valid datetime.']}}}}}}}, 'well': {'sections': {0: {'endtime': ['Not a valid datetime.'], 'starttime': ['Not a valid datetime.'], 'hydraulics': {0: {'datetime': {'value': ['Not a valid datetime.']}}, 1: {'datetime': {'value': ['Not a valid datetime.']}}}}}}}
If you could shed any light on this Daniel, that would be great!
Edited by damb