[ENH] Changes to Reservoir
The reservoir format and processing has been updated so that the gdal library is not used. Instead a reservoir will be passed as json in the request along with a spatial proj4 string and local coordinate reference point. The output results will now reference the coordinates of the bounding box as floats rather that a gdal geometry type.
Updates have been made to schema, orm, db and model adaptor. The reservoir will now be passed in as a json dict containing boundary points for x, y, z. This is in local coordinates. These are transformed to lat-lon coords with the help of a new spatial reference and reference point input.
Additional functions have been added for the use of non-spatial models (those model which calculate a result for the entire reservoir rather than a different result for subgeoms) Found in the misc module, either a reservoir is created from the bounding box of the submitted reservoir, or a second functions returns subgeometry reservoirs as children of a parent resevoir.
This update goes with em1 changes: 55881db993171c8f10e0bb4cfd26b82dcf6c5661